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 Post subject: Hey Clem !!! how goes it with the Red. mod???
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 10:14 pm 
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Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2002 5:58 am
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Hey !! Haven't seen you around in awhile , any luck with the Redeemer Mod ?? ...Just curious ...was on SRA today and was reminded how disconcerting it was after using Alt-fire , how you get all disoriented and end up facing in a different Direction !! LOL
not good my ass fragged a couple times while trying to figure out which was I was originally shootin' :lol: ...
thanks , Tri 8)

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 5:09 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2002 3:24 pm
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sorry about that.. how long has it been? about 2 months since my last version? good grief.. I guess I should get moving and get to work..

been busy at work and the CTF tournament (regular UT) at Crusher's Place is starting up.. and been playing on regular UT servers to practice up on the CTF tournament. Crusher has gotten quite good at the shock combo and I need to find a way to counter that.

from what I can remember, everything was going well with the mod except the pause after a guided redeemer detonation in online play (works fine in single player mode). the HUD is now clear and I'm almost done with adding a crosshair. can't remember the rest; I'll have to look back on the old posts here and in my source code..

I haven't looked into the problem you just described.. it may not be something that's easy to do.. but yes, I find it annoying too.

- clemmentine (C|gElatinousMartian)

One day, one night, one moment,
My dreams could be, tomorrow.
One step, one fall, one falter,
East or west, over earth or by ocean.
One way to be my journey,
This way could be my book of days.
-- from "Book of Days" by Enya

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