Ok, well today was the very first episode of "Kill Jester" I think a lot of people got a pretty good kick out of it. I know I didn't. Well it all started once upon a time (not really) a "nice,smart,intellegant,outragious," little boy named Jester came along a server called "Curius Georges Reedemer Insanity" well Jester decided to go in & see how everyone was doin. I will tell you what, the people in that server weren't very friendly, I don't know if it was cause they didn't get to see porn or whatever but they were not nice! ( yes Slayed & GodFather i am tlakin to you.!) O yea & i can't forget MAHATMA who always welcomes me with a BIG BOOM! I only was trien to get up to this top spot with the t/l but no these rude people (MAH,GodFather & SLAYED, & some other people but I dont know there names. But the show appears when ever i decide to play. SO don;t be a stranger now. (yall never are) but anywayz jus thought i'd let yall know bout the new show. <br><br> Have a nice day (NOT) <p></p><i></i>