OK OK OK....I rant constantly, and I often have so much swirling around in my head I omit and incorrectly try to define things that I can do much more effectively by speaking to some one.<br>Quote:<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>This book is free to everyone, right? You do not have to pay to get it? The author receives no compensation for writing it? Just asking. <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>I hope there was no sarcasm involved here...because as I will tell you and as you may have found out I really have a very limited ability to capture sarcasm. Can you imagine how mad i get at people sometimes? But no...it is a book book. You can buy it at Barnes and Noble and like bookstores. it really changed the way I look at our consumer society. He worked with Frank Lloyd Wright so he has an amazing sense of space and time and how things get done. I own it.<br><br>Quote:<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Your losing me here. Are you saying that because you use a Mac, you are more productive and "squabble" less than those who do not? This is also a metaphor for the American Condition, for lack of a better term? Help me out on this one.<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>No.... I am saying that i spend less time repairing my machine. I don't dawdle with it because it does what i need it to do and more. It is a fact that Macs break down far less than PCs for many reasons....hardware conflicts is the #1 reason PCs are conflicted.<br><br>And yes...this is also a metaphor for the American Condition. I beleive we make problems for ourselves , as humans. Take religion for example...if you look at all religion it really boils down to one statement "DO GOOD". But people cannot accept that as the end all. They need rules and order for them so they have some type of thing to fall on when just 'doing good' doesnt seem to be working out for them. <br><br><br>Quote:<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Interesting statement there. As I am not an artist, I do not know how you see the human condition. I can only see it from my perspective. But, I hope that you can see that "peace" and "intelligent opened minded thought" are very important to me. Perhaps, we are not that different. I believe that you are right in that the Golden Rule is not as common as it once was. More people follow the "Do unto others BEFORE..." rule now than when I was a child. Those folks that follow the Golden Rule do still exist, so I hope you have not given up all hope on humanity. <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>I see the human condition as flawed. We are all so different from one another and want that individuality to be what defines us, as well as being part of a group we can identify with at the same time. I am glad peace and open minded thought are parts of you as a human. I think peaceful people are in essence abberations of the human species. We are still violent, animalistic, selfish beings operating on insticts passed down from animals, that we try to come to terms with using logic rather than just saying 'Thats what we are". Striving for the peaceful end is such a small fraction of all cultures, we are a very degenerative race. And even scientists and artists fall into this category. trying to find peace by polluting the world is reckless disregard, or ignorant. We all do it. Even with the best of intentions. But good intentions is where it starts.<br><br>Unfortunately i have given up on trying to think that we are ALL capable of peaceful and intelligent action in the world...thusly the<br> //\ISA/\/THROPE is born anew.<br><br>Quote:<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>This is by no means a human only trait. I believe that Darwin called it "The Survival of the Fittest". IIRC, you have said in an earlier post that you are an atheist, I can assume that you believe in Evolution. Therefore, you believe that humans are animals. If this is the case, then we have millions of years of evolution working against us, and only thousands in our favor. It stands to reason that we want to crush our competition because it is wired into our heads. <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Actually I do believe in a higher power. Spirituality is not lost to me. I am an agnostic-darwinist-misanthrope if that is possible. "It stands to reason that we want to crush our competition because it is wired into our heads." Yup. We are animals Jarg.<br><br>Quote:<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>This is where there is a hole in your logic. Apple has not sold the same computer with the same processor for six years since you received your computer. They have advanced. Why? Because times change. Software changes. Needs change. Yep, your computer may be as good as the day you got it, but I have a feeling that, as time marches on, there will be less and less new things that you can do with it. You may not think that is an issue, which is fine, but I am of the opinion that to remain static in one's thinking is to become stagnant. I choose to continue to progress. Yes sir, there will be problems that arise from this, and sure, we will have existing problems to deal with. I have a job. The position is called a Planner. One of the main responsibilities of my job is to find solutions to problems. It is what I love to do. So to me, problems are not "problems" as much as the unknown. Finding the solution to a problem is akin to making a new discovery. I believe that I understand your argument. Let's give the people a flawed product, and charge them for fixing it, which increases our profits. I agree that that is wrong. I also feel that it is because of people like me that believe in progress, that make it possible for you to be able to voice your opinion to others over the Internet. It takes all kinds of people to have a society. Imagine how boring it would be if everyone thought exactly alike.<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>What i am implying is re-fitting the world. In thought and physicality. Make a computer ,using all the people who do just that, and make it so fucking good that it would take hundreds of years to advance any further. What that would entail is trillions of people losing their jobs. having to learn new ones and then re-fittng the world with the technology that is driven by perfection, not competition. This goes back to the PC hardware conflict thing. If seventy people make the same thing and none of them are talking to one another constantly, they WILL have problems trying to get all these things together. Ultimately i would hope it would free our world up to do really meaningful things, like explore space (with those perfect machines, cure disease, art!) Not trying to get in the market just because you know the same thing as another guy and want to apply that. Work together! Make it work the first time!<br><br>Quote:<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>This is where I see artists being different from capitalists in a massive way. The subtle refinement of ones craft is a lifelong endeavor, not motivated by money but the search for truth, and often times never attained within a lifetime.<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Uh, I have to respond to this with another quote from you.<br><br><br>Quote:<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>see my work...need my work...BUY MY WORK!!!!!<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Enough said.<br><br><br><br>OK OK OK<br><br>I am a jerk. I have given up on trying to fight many battles. One of those is in money. If I get it great! But at the same time so what? I'll just give it to the kids or my wife, and still do what I do! I guess that little tag is my attempt at sarcasm to myself...not really even to others.<br><br>Quote:<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>What's this "we" stuff. Be careful of blanket statements. I think that humanity has made some very good decisions, and the statement "BECAUSE I CAN" should not be portrayed in a negative light. Why should I try to make the world a better place for my family, friends and all humans? BECAUSE I CAN! Do you really believe that we, as a people, are that self centered? <br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br>Yes I do Jarg. I think AMERICANS, many of them, are very self centered. An I only base this opinion on my life experiences. It doesn't help that i married into a family that is rich and uses money to try and control one another either. That just justifys what i believe. MISANTHROPE is a powerful way of me being dissatisfied with the innefectuality of what I do (ie Define the culture I live in through my art) I know what i do is important, but I dont feel like others see that...and now i dont care.<br><br>And I do think that 'Because I can' is a powerful thing, and positive. But it is a double edged sword. I CAN steal a car. I CAN kill you. I CAN choose not to make a difference in the world.<br><br>Quote:<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>I am glad you still love your Mac. As long as it suits your needs, why get anything different? I, on the other hand, want to experience the new. The old, reliable, possession is cherished, but the new possession is exciting. There is a price for the new, exciting gizmo that hit's the market, and I will pay that price to ensure that there will be another, even more exciting product that comes down the pike. <br>"Ahhh, I love the smell of consumerism in the morning."<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br>And that consumerism is the force that has forced me to use nothing but waste in my work. I cannot and will not make the amount of waste that we produce, as a race, any more than I can. This goes back to the re-fit of the world. We have to see what we are doing to the world and ourselves and make a change ALL AT ONCE, or it will continue this way forever until there is nothing for us and the planet moves on. I would rather we be more specific in our endeavors on this planet. Cure disease, make the things we have WORK and work the best they ever will, control our breeding through intelligence not subdued instinct or BECAUSE I CAN. These are just a few. <br><br>BECAUSE I CAN I am going to go drive my fossil fuel burning vehicle home, that is being powered by a dam, that is killing species of fish, and eat a hamburger that is raised ona farm, that once used to be a rain forest BECAUSE I CAN.<br><br>Can you see why hope is very much lost on me Jarg? But I cant live my life making myself miserable because of human nature! I am going home to love my family. To build art that decribes my love for the world, that will hopefully live on to teach others the effect culture had on me and others like me at the time I was on this little rock....BECAUSE I CAN! <br><br>and no...this kind of conversation is what makes me happy to be a human. Even if I disagree i am connecting with you and you with me....and nothing bad can come from that.<br><br>//\ISA/\/THROPE<br><br>aka <br>Marshall<br><br>ps forgive the spelling...i dont use spellcheck...why...BECAUSE I CAN!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!<br><br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>http://www.marshallhoyt.com<br><br>see my work...need my work...BUY MY WORK!!!!!</p><i></i>