Remember - the times above are WEEKEND times.
Week Day Night times may be Earlier than those times above.
All Times listed here are CST (Central Standard Time USA)
BIG GAME NIGHTS and Scheduled Games...
Just a quick REMINDER!
We Play
EVERY Day of course, but...
We are Playing Again Friday and Saturday nights on {CMM}
Server NAME:
CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness {CMM} PRO REDEEMERIP: the Super Fast and Exciting "THOMPSON" Configuration.
Bottom of Column 3 in MapVote with "thDM" prefix.
I WILL be there this weekend - you can start Anytime!
See YOU there (I hope!) - Let's have MEGA-FUN with the MEGA-Deemers!
and also on {MSH} ...Server NAME:
---------- MOUNT ST. HELEN ---------- DM ServerIP: REAL Challenge for the Normal Weapons enthusiast!
You can start Anytime!
See YOU there (I hope!) - Let's have MEGA-FUN!
For More Information - Visit "
Hook's UT Place" or "
House Of Hermskii"!
Later Friends! (aka "
The Deemer Gang")