No, I do not have any sort of Ask_toolbar installed in IE. Good old Zone Alarm just installed some kind of anti-malware toolbar in IE and Firefox
without telling me they would do that, and certainly without my permission. At least Firefox gave me the option of uninstalling the toolbar, which I did, since I'm trying to keep Firefox as simple and crap-free as possible. I haven't looked at whether I can uninstall this toolbar from IE yet, because:
I just want to know what Askservice.exe is. It seems that IE is slowing down and then crashing because I have been denying this "Askservice.exe" file access to the internet. Bleeping computers on that first page says it is a "valid" program, but "not required" on startup. Well, I don't know if Askservice.exe is activated upon startup, but it certainly seems to need to run when I start IE.
I have run Avast! in full deep scan mode, A Squared Free in deep scan mode, and done a complete system scan with AVG Anti Spyware. (Spyware Blaster is fully up to date, also.) All came up clean.
Thanks for the replies. I have a fully legit install of XP, but I downloaded that anti malware program anyhow. ;)
Perhaps I should contact Microsoft. Hopefully they will know what this little program is. This may just be yet another tempest in a teapot, with any luck. I hope.