LePoLoo wrote:
Hey Kid, what about getting off the kick vote ?! I just come from winning two games and the players playing there started to kick me to stay alone.
Put this menu away plz ! ;)
Abuse of the ole kick vote hey? Hmmmm haven't heard this sort of problem in a good long while it seems. Kick Vote IMO is a double bladed sword to say the least. Works great when you have some jerk on the server that is annoying everybody but tends to bite the good players in the butt for just being what they are......good players. I could go in and disable it but considering I'm not on the server all the time I would hate for some regulars to be in there and not be able to rid the server if somebody started causing problems.
Happen to remember what the names of the players that were abusing it Le?
Hey Herm you got any advise on this?