Damn....I minimized this window and then came back to finish up the post and as soon as I clicked submit I got taken back to the login screen. Oh well time to retype the small novel I had going.
First things first.......MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Now for the important stuff. LOL well it looks like good ole Jarg wins the prize! The server is definately back up and running now and actually has been running now for about 3 weeks or so. There are two reasons I turned the server back on and here they are:
#1 - I thought I would be nice and give the machine that the server was on to my mother since she has a very old and slow machine. My offer was declined and she said she thought the jester was nice but she had planned on getting a machine that was alittle more up to date in the next few months anyway. So now I have a machine sitting here collecting dust.
#2 - After sitting out for about 3 weeks to a month of not playing UT99 I got bored one night and figured I would see if anybody was around. Low and behold there were 8 ppl playing on CG and a few regs I haven't seen in awhile so I ventured in to take a peek. Mah and Silentbob were on along with some others I can't recall off hand. Gameplay was going fine until all the sudden the pings went off the scale. My usual 50-80 ping was now sitting around 600+ along with everybody else. A few ppl including myself grumbled about this for a few minutes so I took at quick look and sure enuff MHM had a full house also. I stuck around for another few minutes on CG to see if it would get better which it would for a minute or two then BAM right back to the pings from hell. Nothing like shooting a missle....hearing the noise then 3-5 seconds later the missle leaves the gun.
I'm not here to knock on Herm's server but with the senario above popping up from time to time over at CG and the server computer not going to my mother's house I cranked it up to have a place to play where I would actually have some control.
To find the server you can either read back on Nameless's post or if you don't feel the need to scroll back up the best way to find it would be click on Deathmatch.......click to sort by name and it should show up on the very first page. There is a 1 space in front of the "The" in the name.
Sorry I never annouced it being back up to the world but I thought it would be neat just to see how long it would take to be found by the group. The server is set as a high paced redeemer server and always has and will be. I'm not a fan of big maps even tho there are a few on the server. The bot count is high which I think keeps the game going pretty fast and it doesn't stagnate (SP). Nothing more annoying than spending 10 minutes looking for your first kill. Due to the speed and high bot count I raised the frag limit to 40 instead of 30. And the MOTD on the server reads roughly like this:
"If your offended by nudity, profanity or the vuglar display of power then don't let the door hit ya in the A$$"
This pretty much refers to the way I run my ship. When it comes to rules on the server you pretty much can get away with murder for the most part at my place. In other words I'm as loose running the server as a 3 dolla hooka ;)
So in finishing this up I got to give props for the thanks I have received. They ment alot to me. Now y'all have 3 different redeemer servers to choose from. So if CG is full and your not wanting to play over at ClanDOU's server then look me up in the yellow pages for a good backup place to play. I'll try and keep an eye on the server to make sure its up and running because like any good Windows machine it will crash and burn from time to time LMAO. Best to date uptime for the server was 25 days and would have been up longer but I opened a program on the computer and it hogged up the ram and sent the SOB into virtual memory mode in a nutshell which slowed everything down to a standstill.
P.S. Jarg for the love of God please kill that avatar you have LOL. What happened to all those lovely scandally dressed females you use to have?