Hermskii wrote:
Before you download it, I will suggest that you delete any others that you have downloaded from me in the past to save space (Clem?).
it seems you often speak of me when you're talking about the coming changes on CG. you're right that I raised the concern about space, but hard drive space is cheap these days, so don't worry about it. it's not that I have no more space on my hard drives, but that the partition (drive F) for UT has about 100 MB left (out of 2 GB). I have two physical hard drives, the primary being 8 GB and the secondary being 40 GB. on those two drives, I have 2 active OSes and well over 10 partitions. it so happens that I have an 8 GB partition free, so my plan is to copy all my UT files over to the new partition, then remap that partition to be drive F. that way, I shouldn't have to reinstall UT and all the other add ons.
Mahatma wrote:
Great news Herm. You should apply for a job at Epic Games. You could do this for a living!
yeah, take the job at Epic and move to Raleigh. then you'd be practically right down the street from me. could my dream of sub-50 ping on 56k come true? ha ha ha, I think not. :lol: :lol: :lol:
- clemmentine ( Tenku_no_Touma (Rowen of Strata) [and others already previously mentioned] )