The issue with high protein diets like Atkins is that it can damage the kidneys.
This is a myth. Actually, many physicians are jumping on the Atkins bandwagon, including my own.
Check out the link below.
http://atkins.com/science/researchsummaries/kidneys.htmlLike Mahatma, I would like to congratulate you on taking control of your own health destiny. Obesity is a very serious health risk that all too many people ignore.
Regarding the statement on the Atkins web site about the link between high protein diets and kidney damage being a myth, you should give their statements about as much credence as you would any testimonial from someone trying to sell you something. Good, reliable health information can be found on third-party web sites such as
The nonprofit group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine <
http://www.pcrm.org > (founded in 1985 to promote preventive medicine and good nutrition) states the following about high protein diets and kidneys:
High-protein diets are associated with reduced kidney function. Over time, individuals who consume very large amounts of protein, particularly animal protein, risk permanent loss of kidney function. Harvard researchers reported recently that high-protein diets were associated with a significant decline in kidney function, based on observations in 1,624 women participating in the Nurses’ Health Study. The good news is that the damage was found only in those who already had reduced kidney function at the study’s outset. The bad news is that as many as one in four adults in the United States may already have reduced kidney function, suggesting that most people who have renal problems are unaware of that fact and do not realize that high-protein diets may put them at risk for further deterioration. The kidney-damaging effect was seen only with animal protein. Plant protein had no harmful effect.
Personally I think it is great that you have lost weight, but I just want to caution you to do it safely so that you can keep redeeming the rest of us. :)