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 Post subject: UT99/Unreal PEOPLE or PERSON's Help Directory!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:15 am 
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UT99/Unreal PEOPLE or PERSON's Help Directory!

Most UT people who are "in the know" already know about "The UT99/UnReal Forum Site and Server Directory"
(Your One Stop Place to Find the Right UT99/UnReal Forum and Server for YOU!)
However, even though this is an excellent opportunity for UT99 Site and Server Admins or Administrators to display their Great UT99 and Unreal Forums, Sites and Servers all in one directory, we thought of going a step or two further.
Although this is a very good setup as it is, we thought it would be a very good idea to also add UT Help/Resource PEOPLE in the UT99/Unreal Directory!

YES!!! A UT Help/Resource for UT99/Unreal PEOPLE or PERSON's Directory!

HUTP (Hook's UT Place) already has a Specialized Group of UT Individuals (gurus) in its "UTCG" group (Unreal Tournament Consultancy Group) that have an assortment of expertise for a number of UT/Unreal subjects to help those in need.
This New UT99/Unreal PEOPLE or PERSON's Directory section (to come) at The UT99/UnReal Forum Site and Server Directory will be added soon as "Your One Stop Place to Find the Right UT99/UnReal Individual HELP for YOU!"
Of all the years I have been in the UT community, I have never actually seen anything like this before now.
In fact I haven't really even seen anything like the "UTCG" group at HUTP either.
This type of thing is Obviously a needed function in the UT community, as most of the posting I see, that actually has to do with UT, is asking questions of other UT "experts" to solve problems encountered in UT.
AS it is, if you have a problem, you have to go to a number of UT sites and post about it all over in hopes of getting some answers to read.
With our idea, you can go to one (1) place and choose from knowledgeable UT people to directly contact, each with their areas of expertise listed, to get your answers.
COOL?!?! - I think so :geek:
Any suggestions before we implement this new section over at the UT Directory?

Stay Tuned Folks! :cheers:

= Hook =
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