Suprised all the Windows guys haven't jumped on like crazy to help ya out XX. Its been awhile since I've installed 98 but if I remember right, these are the steps in formatting and starting over (window's guys.....please correct me if I'm wrong....been 3 years since I did a 98 system)<br><br>1: Find or make you a 98 start-up floppy disk (don't remeber 98 letting you boot or start installation from CD EVER, Windows 2000 and XP do)<br>2: Stick said floppy in drive and reboot computer.<br>3: Get into bios and check before boot-up starts to make sure that A: is first boot and CD-ROM is second followed by HDD-0 or HDD-1<br>4: Exit bios and restart computer and let start-up disk boot up<br>5: After a moment there should be 2-3 options like start with cd support, start without cd support and such.......pick the start without cd support.<br>6: After it goes through a couple of things you should be at an A:, should be able to type fdisk and hit return<br>7: (This is where my memory seems to leave me a bit so somebody correct me if I'm wrong please) after fdisk boots you need to delete the partion/partions and re-create them or just one (everybody does this different) Basically after you delete your partion, everything on the HD is basically trash now from what I have been told so make sure there isn't anything that needs to be saved before deleting and redoing the partion stuff.<br>8: After you get done setting the partion with fdisk you need to reboot the computer and let the start up disk do its thing again. After it gets done loading pick start with cd support. The start up disk does not have format on it so more than likely you will have to dig thru the cd-rom (prob. drive D: or E<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> either in the Windows Directory or the Win98 Directory for format. Then you need to type format C: to get the format running. <br>9: After said HD is partioned and formatted reboot computer and leave floppy in the drive. This time start with cd support.<br>10: After it goes thru loading some stuff you should be back at an A:. From here find your CD-ROM drive letter. (ex: D:, E<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>11: Once you the right drive letter, all you have to do is type in "setup" and off it should go.<br><br>AND IF ALL ELSE FAILS:<br><br>12: Pick up a copy of XP or 2000, all you have to do to install either one of those is stick the cd in the drive and make sure the bios is set to boot the cd-rom as the first in line.....and everything else is basically cake.<br><br>I hope that wasn't too confusing for you and I'm sure the Windows guys are rolling over laughing at one of the MAC guys trying to tell a Window's user how to install Windows (find it pretty funny myself). Hope it helps and doesn't cause ya too much trouble. I started using 2000 and recently XP on my home machine just to make reinstalling alot easier whenever my lovely machine decides to start acting crazy on me.<br><br>Good luck bud,<br><br>|<idcapri<br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Kidcapri</A> at: 4/1/03 8:10:29 am<br></i>