Redeemer Insanity

How to use One Moniter with two computer?
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Author:  Scify [ Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  How to use One Moniter with two computer?

How to use One Moniter with two computer?<br>I been talking with poeple how to hook this up.They buy switches and Cables.Is there a cable out there? That hook to one end of moniter then have two ends that hook to other two computer?<br><br> I saw this at best buy.That does that and use one key board, one mouse but my two computer are total different key boards.<br> Here is two link I was look at<br><br>A <a href="" target="_new"></a><br>B <a href="" target="_new"></a> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Scify</A> at: 3/4/03 8:40:53 am<br></i>

Author:  Hermskii [ Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  KVM switch

Sci, I didn't look at the links you gave but the answer is a KVM Switch. It stands for Keyboard, Video, Mouse. It hooks several devices into one place so you only need one keyboard, video, mouse to run several PC's. Make sure not to get the cheaper one with serial mouse ports. For you, I'd say to get a 4 port KVM. The cables are special and extra. I'd buy this from EBAY myself. Good luck.<br><br>Hermskii <p></p><i></i>

Author:  Scify [ Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KVM switch

Herm <br>That what links it to.<span style="color:orange;">THANKS</span> <p></p><i></i>

Author:  Scify [ Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One Mouse is UBS and other on is PS/2

One Mouse is UBS and other on is PS/2. I was looking at those KVM .I can use other Mouse UBS it have adapter which I use it for PS/2 instand of UBS. KVM HAS UBS but all UBS key board and mouse.So it look like I have to get other moniter after all.I Switch moniter back from this computer to new one then Back.Oh Boy it made so much noise I did it.It was turn off I switch it. and rejust setting ARGH.<img border=0 src="" /><img border=0 src="" /><br>WHich take me two hour to finale fix my setting<br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Scify</A> at: 3/4/03 10:37:09 pm<br></i>

Author:  BoDacious [ Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to use One Moniter with two computer?

Sci:<br><br>From your post, I take it you have 2 mice, 2 keyboards and one monitor. If this is true, why don't you just leave the mice and keyboards hooked up to their respective computers, and use the switch only for the monitor. I looked into this a while back, as I have two computers down here in my studio, and this seemed the easiest way. Of course, I was just going to buy a monitor switch only (not the KVM). They make these it turned out, the cost of the switch, plus a new monitor cable cost almost as much as buying a used monitor, so I went with the used monitor. Hope this helps...<br><br>Bo <p></p><i></i>

Author:  Scify [ Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to use One Moniter with two computer?

Thank Bo I plan to switch monitor back to different one.After last night my old computer Make strange noise and taken almost two hours to getting my setting back. It mess up all colors on web site and AIM last night. <p></p><i></i>

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