I've created a distribution group in my email address book that includes everyone here that I have an email address for. I will start sending emails to this group concerning changes and the like for the CG family of servers. This is also a great way for you to recommend things to me in private like whether you want certain people banned or letting me know that you need someone watched for cheating purposes or even maps you want removed or added etc. Here is a copy of the last group email I sent:<br><br><br>If you don't want to be part of this mailing list, please reply to this and I will remove you from the email group. I have made changes to Curious George's Redeemer Insanity.They are as follows:<br><br><br>1.) I removed Map Vote.<br><br>2.) I changed the Redeemer UMOD from Arena Match back to the original New Redeemer Arena.<br><br><br>I made these changes for the following reasons:<br><br> The other day I was on with Tri or Jarg, (can't remember which), and two other players (never saw them before), came in. They didn't say a word but they did activate the in game voting and both voted Crane and boom, suddenly we're on Crane. I thought it was rude that they didn't say a word the whole time. I've heard repeated complaints about the newbs always going to this map because they live a little longer there when regulars are in the game. technically, the regulars should be on House of Hermskii now that it has all of the regular maps and a load of new ones. This will ensure that the first timers don't think the game is stupid when they come to CG1 and get caught in the loop of poop so many of the regulars enjoy dishing out. So Map Vote is gone from CG1. Newbies should play here till they are ready to try their luck on SRA or HOH. <br><br> The New Redeemer Arena UMOD is the one that doesn't support the translocators. I put this one back on and removed the Arena Match UMOD to make CG1 less fun to the regulars in an effort to migrate them off of CG1 to HOH, (House of Hermskii). CG1 should be for the newbies as the listed name implies. The translocators are great fun and can still be used on HOH just as on HOH you can still use mapvote. Note: Crane is not an optional map at HOH. <br><br><br> I am not only sending this to my mailing list but posting this on the forum as well. If you are on the forum and want to be on this mailing list so you can be kept up to date on the week to week activities at the CG1, CG2 and HOH, please send me an email at
Hermskii@HOUSTON.RR.COM . I'll gladly add you to the list. I can't wait to hear this backlash of comments! Let me know what you think. Thanks!<br><br>Hermskii<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>