It get's rid of jaggies. Okay, perhaps that didn't help. In most computer games, the outer edges of straight surfaces have little notches in them, similar to the picture of the redeemer above. On the very bottom, you will notice that the line is not straight, but stair stepped. This is similar to a jaggie. FSAA uses a filter to eliminate these stairsteps. Now, I personally never notice these jaggies in a game, as I am more concearned at not becoming itty bitty pieces, but to some, it is an annoyance. The drop in framerate does not make up for the better graphics (IMHO). <br>The tourney is like any other game. No differences, except the embarrasment of seeing my name at the bottom of the list. It's just for fun. <p>The Jargonaut<br></p><i></i>