On 1/9/03 6:59:18 pm, Nautmax wrote:<br>"Yeah our country is really screwed up. I think I'll go and live in Afganistan or Iraq or even Iran where if you posted something on the internet about the countries I mentioned you would end up missing, lying in a gutter or get shot in the middle of a soccer stadium paid for by the international community." <br><br>Again, I love this country. I can not really appreciate the INCREDIBLE FREEDOM that living here affords me, because I have not lived in those countries that you mentioned. I'm not trying to complain about everything that this country stands for. I think that you have misunderstood my statement. You can't tell me that those nations are the only offending nations, yet they, and South Korea are the only ones that we ever hear about. More about this later.<br><br> Nautmax wrote:<br>"Regardless of our intentions the simple fact is that no one else came to the aid of Kuwait when Saddam rolled into town. Regardless of what you read I can guarantee you he would have rolled into Saudi next if we hadn't done anything."<br><br>Maybe. But the only reason that we came to the defense of that country so soon is because of oil. Plain and simple. Why don't we go into central Africa more often. The incredible atrocities that occur there are no more or less horrible than those of Iraq, Iran, or Afghanistan. As for Afghanistan, we did not give a flying flip about them until after 9-11. <br><br>Nautmax wrote:<br>"Of course, I think we should sit back and give peace a chance and allow the dictators of the world to build their bombs, grow stronger and threaten us later so our children can grow up not knowing what it was like to live free."<br><br>I love the sarcasm, so I hope you will appreciate mine when I say, Nah. We should just push our culture and beliefs on every other nation, and if they don't bend to our will, then let's blow them off the face of the planet. <br><br>Nautmax wrote:<br>"Everyone hates us regarless what our foreign policy is so I say screw everyone. AMERICA FIRST! Without us the whole world goes down the proverbial shitter."<br><br>Yep, everyone does hate us. Why? I suppose there are many reasons. One of which is because of those INCREDIBLE FREEDOMS that I mentioned earlier. Another is because the USA is the most powerful nation on the planet. I am fortunate to live here, and there is no other place that I want to live. But you know, Saddam is not going to live forever. Whoever takes his place will hate us just as much. Probably more if we were to turn him into a martyr. Do we have to be the Global Police? What gives us the right? That may be another reason that we are hated. I don't know much about such things. All I know is that it is a privilege to live in a country where I can have my beliefs, and you can have yours, and though neither is completely right nor wrong, no one can force me to conform to either one.<br><br>That was fun. I hope you don't take offense, NM. I love a good, friendly debate. <p>The Jargonaut<br></p><i></i>