Redeemer Insanity

Redeemer Fireworks (a no-go on the CG's)
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Author:  Hermskii [ Wed Nov 13, 2002 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Redeemer Fireworks (a no-go on the CG's)

I got it. I tried it. I hated it. The end. Please someone try to talk me into it. I died everytime I finally got the right redeemer and shot it. The music is funny. The damage it produces is awesome. The fireworks are cute but I didn't like it. I wish I could see someone else launch it and live long enough to see it do full damage.<br><br>Hermskii <p></p><i></i>

Author:  The Hookster [ Wed Nov 13, 2002 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Redeemer Fireworks (a no-go on the CG's)

<br><br>Dos this mean that the the servers are up ? They all were down for me today.<br><br>Das Hook <p></p><i></i>

Author:  a nameless entity [ Wed Nov 13, 2002 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Redeemer Fireworks (a no-go on the CG's)

It shoots the firework mortar bombs backwards too, so you usually die when you launch it. It works best in the wide open maps they use over at the Fatz clan, like 8 balls to the wall, etc. Try strafing to the side at a doorway as you launch it. Barring that, try carving an arc through the sky as you aim, continuously shooting the whole time. Sometimes you live long enough to launch 3 or more rockets. I've survived launching as many as four at once in Deck 32 and been able to find a place to hide from the mayhem. Then come back out and do it again. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src= ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>This mod can be funny, for if you do die when you launch the fireworks redeemer, you can die so many times as you respawn into the mayhem that your score actually goes <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>down!</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src= ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>

Author:  Iceman [ Thu Nov 14, 2002 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Redeemer Fireworks (a no-go on the CG's)

If you want a better look, why don't you turn "god" mode on.<br>For those of you who don't know how just hit the "`" (tilde) key and type "god" when you've started the game. This will allow you to take a redeemer blast and and not get killed. <p></p><i></i>

Author:  Mahatma [ Thu Nov 14, 2002 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Redeemer Fireworks (a no-go on the CG's)

CG1 down. Did the fireworks mod crash it?<br><br>Mahatma <p></p><i></i>

Author:  Hermskii [ Thu Nov 14, 2002 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Crashed

CG1 just went down. I don't know why. It's back up. I'll be watching it. Yes Deemer Fireworks had crashed it the first time, but not this time. Good idea about the god mode to see deemer fireworks in all of the glory.<br><br>Hermskii <p></p><i></i>

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