This thread has been very entertaining. I hope it keeps going. If players keep sending pic's in it probably will. Anyone know the record for a thread on this forum? I bet this gets a lot of hits. I check a couple o’ times a day myself just to see if there are any new pics.<br><br>You guys and your film cameras are worse than I with my 8-tracks. At least the 8-tracks have pizzazz!<br><br>Herms,<br> Your editorial on the pictures cracked me up. By bigger you mean fatter? And grown up you mean old, yes? Actually the fish indicates that I catch. Fishing does not always involve catching. A zitty little computer nerd, well I do get pimples on my back the hairs plant as they migrate towards my ass. Oh the early 30’s, well they have been here and gone long ago. Remember I just had my 25th wedding anniversary (a rare thing in this day and age) in August. That did not include the 3 years we were together prior to getting married. Keep up the good work buddy. I enjoy you wit as much as your server (that goes for schwantz too).<br><br>Mah,<br> It's 1:12, don't you have a class to teach tomorrow? I see yourpimp and you both logged on here. Kinda late for you guys.<br><br><br><br>Cum Grano Salis, Skank<br> <p></p><i></i>