Redeemer Insanity

This isn't funny anymore <:-(
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Author:  a nameless entity [ Sun Sep 28, 2003 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  This isn't funny anymore <:-(

Remember about 3 weeks ago or so we were having some fun at my expense in my "UT is bad for your health" thread? WELL, today I was out on the bike briefly to see how the wrist was healing up. It was still a bit tender, but I thought I'd be ok to ride for an hour or two. But then after 30 minutes the storm predicted for this evening moved in early. I headed home, and stopped for gas on the way. As I was pulling out of the gas station I caught the tips of the gloves I was wearing on my middle two fingers between the clutch lever and the handle bar. I had to complete the shift because of this dork that was bearing down on me too fast. So I jammed those two fingers in between, and stretched the tendons in my hand really hard. Talk about pain! :shock:
For a while I had thought that maybe it wasn't tendonitis after all, because of the way the healing seemed to be going. But this momentary tendon stretch put the lie to that. :( I've got pain going all the way up into my shoulder tonight, and tylenol 3 has barely touched it. Every day tasks are killing me, and I'm not helping things by spectating at the tourney at Bigi's, or typing this thread. The really annoying thing is that I want to attend an important Toy Run on October 19th, and now I'm worried that I've set myself back so far in healing that I won't be able to attend the last event of the season. I'll have missed them all, if I can't go. :? :(
So if you don't see me in the arenas over the next while you'll know why. I'm parking the bike for the next three weeks entirely, to give things a chance to heal up. I see my doctor next week anyway, I think I'll ask for an Xray, to find out just wtf is going on.

I'd love to stay and bitch some more, but I've got to go take another tylenol 3 now. :badgrin: :doubt:

A pissed off in pain entity. :evil:

Author:  DARKMATTER [ Sun Sep 28, 2003 4:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

as well as the painkillers ain't you taking any anti inflammatory you should be for tendonitis
Dark :? :? :roll: :? :?

Author:  The Jargonaut [ Sun Sep 28, 2003 4:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry to hear that, Nameless. I'll betcha Schwantz has some "medicine" that will take that pain away :wink:
Take some healing time, bud.

Author:  -BiGi- [ Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry to hear that Nameless....hope it heals up. I think I would prefer a fracture over tendenitis.

Author:  Mahatma [ Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to hear you are going to see a doctor. At least that way you will know exactly what the problem is and what preventative measure you can take.

But it does go to show that it is motorcycle riding that is hazardous to your health, not UT!!!

Keep well,

Author:  Scify [ Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:30 pm ]
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Author:  a nameless entity [ Sun Sep 28, 2003 10:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mahatma wrote:
Glad to hear you are going to see a doctor. At least that way you will know exactly what the problem is and what preventative measure you can take.

But it does go to show that it is motorcycle riding that is hazardous to your health, not UT!!!

Keep well,

Perhaps the doc can give me an anti inflammitory that I can tolerate. Hopefully nonsteroidal, but I can't have Ibuprofen.

Yes Mah, motorcycle riding is potentially hazardous to your health, but it was sitting for too many hours in front of the computer surfing and playing UT that got me into this situation. And yet, here I am again. :lol:

a lesson unlearned entity :?

Author:  Mahatma [ Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:25 am ]
Post subject: 

if the doctor asks you a potentially embarrassing diagnostic question, like "What kind of activities do you do for hours on end everyday that stresses your wrist?" Don't tell him, "I play this video game online." LMAO!

Make up something less embarrassing, like "Doc, I've been working on some special autoerotic techniques for a book I'm writing."


Author:  blondehottie [ Mon Sep 29, 2003 10:25 am ]
Post subject: 

sorry about your arm nameless feel better soon


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