Redeemer Insanity

Apple and Cherry's Jolly Roger servers
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Author:  a nameless entity [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Apple and Cherry's Jolly Roger servers

Hey Kid, here are the names of those two servers I told you about:

[CSHP] Apple & Cherry's ***Blossom*** Apple Infinity 2nd Jolly Roger......... (and etc.)

[CSHP] Apple & Cherry's ***Blossom Special*** Apple Infinity 2nd Jolly Roger .......... (and etc.)

These two servers are running the same rifle as Kidcapri's server, with another one called a "Jolly Roger" which is available on the "blossom" server only. There is a lot of stuff to download before you can play, but the downloading was redirected, and was so blindingly fast, that I was in and playing in less than 5 minutes. Incredible!

Kid, you must check out the maps that they are running too. Some of them were really cool. :D

(Oh, and btw, the blossom server has messages like Herm uses. You can learn the email address for comments and questions, as well as a website they have. These went by too quick for me to write down, as I didn't stay long.)

Author:  kidcapri [ Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Heck Yeah!

Thanks Nameless. Gonna have to check them out tonight and see what they are all about. Good idea about the maps.....have to see what they are running.....might get some good ideas from there.


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