Redeemer Insanity

kids sniper server
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Author:  DARKMATTER [ Tue Jul 01, 2003 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  kids sniper server

Hey kid tried to get on earlier and while downloading "bloddy blocks " ut shut down and i got message 'assertion failed'
any help welcome.
Dark :evil:

Author:  kidcapri [ Tue Jul 01, 2003 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Hmmmmm thats an error I have never seen before

Assertion Failure..........Unless I was never paying attention whenever I would get errors from time to time I have never seen that error before (any other admins see this one before?). So I am taking it kicked you out of the game then brought up an error message on the windows desktop right? Gonna have to ask around and do some research on this to me.

Now I know how Bo felt trying to get his maps on NW. Talk about fustrating. Had a couple of maps that would send mapvote into this loop mode and the only way you could get out of it was to alt-tab back to the windows desktop and close it from there. It might take a couple of days too work out all the bugs I have with the server but when it is running right it seems to do great. Just bear with me alittle longer and hopefully I will have it all set.

Sorry if the server was down yesterday (Monday) morning. Bad weather knocked the power off at my house as soon as I walked out the door for work and when that happens the computer turns completely off.

I'll look into the problem dark and if anybody else has seen any other problems please let me to get all the knicks out of this server.


Author:  <SRA>Maximus [ Tue Jul 01, 2003 8:58 am ]
Post subject:

Hey Kid pick up a battery back up system. I have one and trust me it's money well spent.

Author:  DARKMATTER [ Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Not sure if its a map fault hottie changed the map and i still had the same trouble unless its gonna be all the maps. I'm not having probs on any of the other servers and yea it started to download the map then ut just closed down and the error box popped up on the desktop anything else i find out will let you know
Dark :evil: :?

Author:  a nameless entity [ Tue Jul 01, 2003 11:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was downloading stuff for a map and got that same problem. The game shut down suddenly, and I got the assertion failure dialogue box. I'm pretty sure it happened because the map changed while I was downloading files, but that's the first time I've ever seen that particular error message.

Author:  kidcapri [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Everything should be working properly now

I'm still shrugging my shoulders on this one. Think Nameless might be on the right track.

I finally got to truely test the server tonight. Finally just set up a fresh install of bonus packs and only the 436 patch. The only file that I forgot to put on there was mapvote but took care of it. Used this install to go to every map on there and everything is working perfectly.


Author:  schwantz [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Kid!

Any chance of putting the bonus pack on that has the nali cow skin in it.. the basic game does not. I got booted off the server yesterday once with some sort of error relating to the nali warcow skin.



Author:  <SRA>Maximus [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I smell law suit! Mooooooooo!!! :D

Author:  kidcapri [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Nali Cow skin.......gotcha

Hmmmm thought that one was on there. Guess not. Yeah I willl see about getting that on there for ya Schwantz this evening after work. Other than a couple of little things like this pretty much everything else seems to be working.

Anybody else see any files coming up missing let me know.


Author:  DARKMATTER [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I tried earlier and managed to get on becouse the map at the time was one i had on my puter but as soon as i tried to play the maps i have not got it shut down so kid when you get the chance let me know what maps you got on there and i will try to get them and see if that works
Dark :evil:

Author:  kidcapri [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Gotcha DM

Not a problem DM. I am going to work on the server some more tonight and see about adding some more maps. In the mean time here are the ones on there right now.


Most of these I was able to find on Nali City. Enemy at the gates I found over at fileplanet. I will list more as they come along.


Author:  a nameless entity [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tonight I got the assertion error shutdown 3 times just trying to get on to one map. The download failed the first time, but I got it the next. The game crashed, so I tried a third time, started to load the map, and got the assertion failure error again. :cry: :(

I was alone on the server at the time. I can't recall the map name offhand. :?

Author:  <SRA>Maximus [ Thu Jul 03, 2003 7:02 am ]
Post subject: 

HHHMMMMM....Lets see. Both Kid & I are Mac guys. Kid runs the server and I haven't had a problem connecting or playing on it. A while back you posted a link to an Anti-Apple website. See you shouldn't poke fun at Apple. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Author:  kidcapri [ Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Assertion Error........I has to be one of the maps

I guess I have a map problem. The redirects have done that before. Freaked out because I knew I had everything set up right but the webspace was not sending the information back.........then like 20 minutes later it was like nothing was wrong. Sorry if the redirects get spottie from time to time but this assertion error has me pretty confused as to what might be causing it. I used a fresh install to test the server out and after serveral downloads noticed that the only thing I showed missing was the mapvote file. All the maps worked perfect with that install and I can say in all this time playing the only error that I have ever seen personally was the critical error which I think was caused by my video card.

Herm have you or Schwantz or Bo or DeadSun or ANYBODY thats run a server before had this problem like this? So far it's only been 2 users that I know of with this problem (anybody else with this problem please speak up). I might messed with my UT install on the server computer itself alittle too much and need a clean install and renew for it but I don't want to go that drastic yet.

LOL Max! Needed a good laugh to start this day off. :D

Well I will be messing with it off and on this 4th of July weekend since I will be stuck at home for most of it (I have my 2 year old this weekend). Should be alot of fun getting to watch her see all the fireworks this weekend.

Hope everybody has a great 4th and let me know what else happens crazy with this server.


Author:  blondehottie [ Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:19 am ]
Post subject: 

HEY I have a PC and I have no troubles getting on it at all


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