Redeemer Insanity

Bo's Nuclear Winter and the other arenas
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Author:  Mahatma [ Sun Jun 15, 2003 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Bo's Nuclear Winter and the other arenas


I think your work on selecting a lot of great maps has paid off. People are hooked! There does however seem to be a lag issue. I'm not sure if this is an ISP issue or if the problem can be helped with tweaks. Also, I think your redirect downloads may be the fastest -- great job!

SRA (actually, SBB now) has worked very very well, and has a lot of new maps on it now too. Boss, what are your long term plans for SBB?

CG was back up today and, as expected, filled all the way up to 12 people! This is the major draw for CG -- people like playing with (hammering and being hammered by) other folks. Glad to see it back up Herm.

Props to Sun and Kid too. There are so many arenas now!

Author:  BoDacious [ Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey folks...

Based on an e-mail I received from Herm about a file refusing to download, I decided to cross-check the letter-case of what was listed in my .ini file package area against the letter-case of the actual files the file package referenced...and found that a WHOLE FREAKIN' BUNCH of them were of mismatched cases. The files have to be of EXACTLY the same case (for example, if I had a server package called BoDacious, and the file it referenced was spelled "bodacious", the file would not download). I think these jokers that make UMOD's should double check just what changes their package is going to make to the .ini file before they put it out there for public consumption...and yes, one of the problem areas came from an Epic bonus pack, for crying out loud. You think that they, at least, would be able to get it right. Hopefully, I have caught all the errors, and the server will run smoother...can't say why exactly the pings would occasionally shoot way the hell up there. I had recently set the "allow downloads" area of my .ini to false, meaning that no direct downloads from my server box could take place...all the files to be downloaded were already uploaded to my remote redirect site. I am guessing because of the problem mentioned earlier, the server box was going nuts trying to supply files that because of errors in spelling, it figured it didn't have. Or something...hell if I know! Let me know if the changes I made have any effect...l8r, folks...


Oh, and Herm, buddy...the purpose of my firing up a server was not to put anyone out of business. I just wanted to have a server with custom skins and multi-file maps that you and other folk, for various reasons were unwilling to run...I understand why most of the rest of you are gun shy of getting into crap like this. It's a lot of freakin' work to get everything ticking along smoothly when ya got to juggle all the texture files, sounds, music and so on. Almost not worth all the time I had to spend finding all the new maps, playtesting, etc, etc...except, I have had a very good response to all the new eye-candy. Obviously, folks wanted a change of pace, and I stepped in at the right time and gave it to them. For funs sake, and for funs sake only. I think we all know the reason that I have been hogging the traffic is mainly due to all the new maps on my server, and to a lesser extent, download times and ping. Period. I think that there is room for ALL of the various 'Deemer servers currently running...we all offer something different, and it's nice to have a choice of where to play, IMHO. Leave 'er up, bud...I'll miss it if you take it away. I don't often play on my own server because I feel that having a far lower ping than people playing with me gives me an unfair advantage, and I like to win through skill alone, not because I have the best ping in the house...I find I spend more time goofing around spawning monsters and running around annoying people with my telefragger than anything else. The server was made for YOU folk's...not for me...let's keep 'em all up and running for the rest of our buds out there...

Just my 2 cents worth...


Author:  XX_MAN [ Mon Jun 16, 2003 5:24 am ]

Build it and they will come. they will come from far far away.
they will come from east to west from north to south.
Build it and they will come.


XX 8)

Author:  schwantz [ Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Mah etc:

I would leave SBB up if it got used but judging from the traffice when CG came back on line, I doubt that it will be needed. I'll leave it up for a week or so but judging from past experience, it won't be required. With Bo and Herm on line, SBB will fade away. It was a good feeling seeing all the user's on SBB.

I'm glad i could help fill the void with CG taking a sabatical.


Author:  MickeyM© [ Mon Jun 16, 2003 8:04 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, I guess I've lost track. What does SBB stand for?


Author:  Mahatma [ Mon Jun 16, 2003 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Mike, SBB = Schwantz's Bishop Beater (lmao)!

Schwantz, maybe it could be a dedicated strangelove arena or something?

Author:  blondehottie [ Mon Jun 16, 2003 12:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

strangelove server oh yea i like that

that is funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Author:  schwantz [ Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

The strangelove mutator is just too unstable even under linux.. I want a server that won't crash much and no require much care..


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