My gaming PC has been locking up due to overheating. This has been a prob for a long time now as some of you have noticed me quickly disappear from a game without so much as a "Later". This is no longer going to be the case. I thought I posted this before but I guess it is another post that just mysteriously disappeared. Not saying it's the forums fault, I'm saying that sometimes i push the wrong button and lose everything. I told Mah i'd post this info back when i was testing the new fan.
It is made by a company called Speeze, ( You can read about it's specs by google searching for the model number of "5F263B1M3". The fan itself is large. It only spins at 2,900 RPM. It is made with being quiet in mind. With my old fan, a Volcano 6, I had to leave the side of the case off and the PC idled at 62C. With the new fan on and the side of the case on too, I idle at 55C and game at 63C. I haven't overheated once since I put the new fan on and it is much more quiet now too! I'm very pleased.
The fan is designed to meet the requirements of my XP2100 chip so don't think that because it works for me it will for you. Be sure that any fan you ever switch to is made for your chip or you may ruin your processor. No more disappearing midgame from me locking up! Later all!