Redeemer Insanity

A GOOD Read!!!
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Author:  Hook [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  A GOOD Read!!!

Hook wrote:
{CMM} is STILL Number ONE ( #1 ) in Pro-Redeemer Arena! :cheers:
Check it out sometime to see why! :faroah:
{CG} is STILL Number ONE ( #1 ) in Classic Redeemer Arena! :cheers:

Oh wow, been a while since you played CMM or maybe you never have tried it?
Well, Things are going Great!
The Forum is Hopping - we got a great group there, and the Server
{CMM} is Rocking and is Played a lot every day!
(See my signature for the Server Information)
We Play Every Day on CMM - so Join us if you can! :salute:
And Yeah (as I said just above), Lately, I have seen several Old Regular players stopping "back" in to our CMM server.
Players that haven't been on CMM for years - back with the old player names!
We have a BLAST!!! (literally LOL) :thumbright:

We got some great New "experimental" Weapon or versions of our Pro-Redeemer happening there on CMM lately.
TRY all 10 or so of them! :cyclopsani:
YOU are most WELCOME! :geek:

For your enjoyment, please read this...
"The FIRST Time I Fired the PirateDeemerCMM ..." (our PRO-Redeemer)

Fun read!

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