TRUE - Yes, another Redeemer Release is coming soon from Helen.
It will have a few upgrades over the PirateDeemerCMM011 version we are currently running on CMM.
I believe the new version will be 012, but not for sure known yet.
Hints...* Some upgrading, or rather added adjustments, is being done to the Guide or Alt-Fire mode, along with some new optional guide screen view graphics.
* Also, another fully adjustable Alt-Fire Option is being added that I believe will be a popular option and will make this new redeemer even more of a versatile weapon that can be used in even more situations that arise in many maps.
Then we will have 3 Alt-Fire modes: Zoom View | Guide | (the new one)
As far as new skins for it - I am not definite on this, but there is another person (cough Keller cough) working on some new skins for the PirateDeemerCMM.
No word on how this is going - Yet!