Redeemer Insanity

Introducing - A NEW UT99 Game Server - Trial Game Night!
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Author:  Hook [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Introducing - A NEW UT99 Game Server - Trial Game Night!

Introducing - A NEW UT99 Game Server - Trial Game Night!

I'd like to take this opportunity to Introduce a New UT99 Game Server.
It is Our First Outside addition to our "CROSSBONES" Game Server Group at HUTP.

Current Game Type: Old Skool DeathMatch (DM) - Original Weapons (so far)
Player Slots: 15
IP Address:
Query Port: 7778
TeamSpeak Slots: 15
Server Owner: {CKD}KillaKellerz (Airforce - Deployed in Kuwait - Originally from ND)*

We are having an "Open House" night to Test her out - Give her a real run through!
I'll set the time for (11/12/09) Thursday Night at 9:00 pm CST (Central Standard Time - USA)
~ Come in When you are able! - We'll be there! ~
That SHOULD be Friday at 6:00 am Kuwait time for Kellerz.* (better double check)
Play as long as we want I guess. :mrgreen:

Remember - This is a Trial! - Let's Test it out!
More things will be added after we do some play testing. (Pretty Basic at present)
Let's not disappoint a good US serviceman over in Kuwait!
Be there or B-Square!
Please RSVP here if you are able!!!

FYI ...
To Set Up TeamSpeak ...
Go to:
Download teamspeak2client
Open the client and type in {CKD}'s IP and a user name (YOUR Player Name!)
and boom you are in the server ready to voice chat in-game!

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