Redeemer Insanity

Tha Kid is is the server
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Author:  kidcapri [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Tha Kid is is the server

Long time no see people. Just thought I would give everybody alittle heads up that my server might be down for about a week or so due to me moving out of my duplex. I will be completely moved out by March 1st. Actually moving in with my mom for the next 6 or so months to save up alittle cash and start on the house hunt since prices here have pretty much hit rock bottom in the housing sector. Not much should change on the server part other than my IP address for the server. She basically has the same cable package I have so the speed should be exactly like it was at my old place. I will post up the day before it comes down and also post again when the server is brought back up at its new location.


Author:  Hermskii [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Roger that

Ok Kid. Thanks for the heads up. Get us that new IP when you can. Good move for getting a house too. Later!

Author:  kidcapri [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Server is down for the moment

Ok here is the heads up I was talking about. Tuesday night the server went down. Needless to say it actually wasn't by my hands but Comcast. Got home last night (Tuesday) and the cable TV and internet were both down. I was gonna leave it up until this evening (Wednesday) but I guess Comcast had other plans (they actually had an outage in the area). So if everything goes according to plan I should have the server back up on either Friday evening or Saturday evening. There will be a new IP address so I will make sure to post it along with any other information everybody might need. Sorry for the outage and thanks for putting up with me.


Author:  kidcapri [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  IT LIVES!!!

I finally got the server back up and running this evening (Thursday night). Would have had the server up sooner but I have been sick as a dog for the past few days and I have a newer computer running the server. Well I say newer cause it's new to me. The orginal server was running on an old P3 650mhz with 128 megs of ram. It served its purpose pretty well for this task but if I had to mess around on that machine while the server was up it ran pretty slow. Was able to get my hands on a bunch of free computer pieces and parts and put together a better machine. The server is now running on a 2 ghz Celeron with 256 megs of DDR. Definately a better step-up. Play tested the server alittle and it seems to be running great. Well here is the important stuff:

Kidcapri's Redeemer Funhouse

New IP address is:

Somebody jump on sometime in the near future and post your thoughts about it. Seems to run fine on my end so I was wondering what it's like for other people.

Enjoy the server and I'm sure yall will see me around.


Author:  SoReal [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Plays good here :)

Author:  LePoLoo [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IT LIVES!!!

kidcapri wrote:
I finally got the server back up and running this evening (Thursday night). Would have had the server up sooner but I have been sick as a dog for the past few days and I have a newer computer running the server. Well I say newer cause it's new to me. The orginal server was running on an old P3 650mhz with 128 megs of ram. It served its purpose pretty well for this task but if I had to mess around on that machine while the server was up it ran pretty slow. Was able to get my hands on a bunch of free computer pieces and parts and put together a better machine. The server is now running on a 2 ghz Celeron with 256 megs of DDR. Definately a better step-up. Play tested the server alittle and it seems to be running great. Well here is the important stuff:

Kidcapri's Redeemer Funhouse

New IP address is:

Somebody jump on sometime in the near future and post your thoughts about it. Seems to run fine on my end so I was wondering what it's like for other people.

Enjoy the server and I'm sure yall will see me around.


Server down or wrong IP ?... :cyclops:

Author:  kidcapri [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Server wasn't down......had wrong setting on my router

Had to laugh at myself last night over this one little screw up. Recently I switched out my wireless router and started using an older wired router that I had been using before. Basically this was due to me wanting to play TOCA race driver 3 and the wireless router for some damn reason not connecting to Gamespy. Got everything changed up a few days ago and made sure all the routing/fowarding stuff was correct for the server. Well it was for a day or so but last night I happened to noticed that the server was definately up but was still sitting on the startup map. A quick check on the router showed me that somehow the server box's LAN IP had changed (probably due to me shutting it down to install a sound card). I got it set back to the correct LAN IP so the server should be fine for the moment. I am gonna set a hard LAN IP address for the server box tonight so this should not pop back up as an issue anymore after today (would have done it last night but too much beer and lack of sleep kinda made me put it off till today). The regular IP address you use to get on the server should still be the same though I haven't checked that so I'm taking a guess on that. Everything should be straight this evening. Thanks for the heads up there LePoLoo.


Author:  Hermskii [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  40?

What do you have there Kid? 40 chicks named Slappy? Who the hell is Slappy and why was she doing that to me? I had to kill her over and over to win but I don't feel better. She'd spawn in my face and kill me. I'll have bad dreams I bet. But it was fun! Thanks.

Author:  {§ÎR}à [ Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 40?

Hermskii wrote:
What do you have there Kid? 40 chicks named Slappy? Who the hell is Slappy and why was she doing that to me? I had to kill her over and over to win but I don't feel better. She'd spawn in my face and kill me. I'll have bad dreams I bet. But it was fun! Thanks.

She is your wild Redeemer lover, just go for it :colors: :drunken: and ohh yea ...unpleasant dreams........... :evil5: muahahahaha!

Twisted Chef

Author:  kidcapri [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:41 am ]

Server will be down until Monday night just to get that little tid bit of information out of the way.

The main reason for the ups and downs for the past weekend had alot to do with the weather we had run thru my neck of the woods on Friday about midday. I live roughly in Jackson, MS and we had a huge storm front come thru on Friday. I was at work all day and luckly nothing but the power blipping off was the only thing we had to deal with here that day. So basically I didn't think the storm was a big deal until I left work and decided to go find a drinking hole. OMG! Just so happens the worst hit part of town (North Jackson, Ridgeland) was where I usually go to the bars and talk about a nightmare vision. I though Katrina was bad but what this storm did to that part of town was absolutely mind boggling to say the least. They had a car dealership that had just about every single window in every new car on the lot completely blown out. There were tons and tons of power poles that were snapped in half and this wasn't even the worst hit part of town. There was so many trees down everywhere that unless you either went way around or happened to know all the short cuts thru the neighborhoods around there you were basically stuck and even then you might be doing about 400 detours due to trees and power lines being down. It was a mess..... I think there was a story on CNN about it so you might be able to dig around on their site if you want to read more on it.

Anyways just wanted to share alittle on what was happening around here. Hopefully everything will be back to normal for me this evening so no worries on that.


Author:  kidcapri [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  IP changed....

Just got the server back up. The IP has changed again needless to say. Look under the deathmatch tab or use

Kidcapri's Redeemer Funhouse


Author:  Hermskii [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Updated

I updated the sticky with the new addy for you and changed your ip to a link in your last post! Thanks for all you do Kid! Now what are you going to do about that Slappy Chick? I haven't had any bad dreams yet luckily. Hehehe. CYA!

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