Redeemer Insanity

Curious George's SRA Fash-Back!
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Author:  Hermskii [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Curious George's SRA Fash-Back!

I have this posted on my forum. It is basically in regards to the old argument about whether spawn killing is a strategy or a easy way to win without skill. Many of us original SRA players know the answer but many of the newer generation Redeemer Only Mod players don't feel the same way. Here it is:

I have decided to recreate a early duplicate version of the original "Schwantz's Redeemer Arena" (SRA) to enable all of the non-under-standers to see for themselves that there once was an "original method" of playing this mod that was completely accepted, crazy-fun and all while spawn killing was a major part of the game. The name of the server is "Curious George's SRA Flash-Back"

I'm not saying that a later generation player can't win. I'm saying this is the way it all started and it was a BLAST back then too! The later addition of the Translocator into the mod and newer larger maps changed virtually everything and the Pepsi Generation was born as far as the Redeemer Only Mod was concerned. I luckily am a true hybrid of both generations being I learned on the original mod (on SRA) and was the first to serve the newer version of the mod with the Translocator.

I have it up and running now but I don't expect to keep it running for very long in the hopes that "Hook" can get his identical version off the ground thus saving me some potential bandwidth for my regular servers. You also notice that the map rotation is nothing but original maps. Hey, that's the way it was for a pretty long time before Schwantz started adding new maps, models and voice-packs.

I hope each of you get a chance to go back in time and see what it was like back in the day and I hope you are lucky enough to get to play at the same time as at least a few original SRA members while you're at it. Any thoughts from anyone about this?

Author:  n6nu [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now that is a good idea! Now I have to finf my UT99 again :-)


Author:  schwantz [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

this might bring me out of retirement!!

Old Schwantz


Author:  Hermskii [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Hi

Hi Schwantz! Good to see you. I hope all is well. You just would not believe all of the crap you started. I regret that my replica of SRA is of the early-early days but hey it all started somewhere and it was back then. No mapvote, no extra maps, no translocator and no rules. Just the bare basics as you recall. Funny how the new generation can't imagine it being fun. It was the highlight of my UT gaming days by a long shot. Take care.

Author:  LePoLoo [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:33 am ]
Post subject: 

schwantz wrote:
this might bring me out of retirement!!

Old Schwantz


Dang !!!! Hope I'll once be playing when you're in game Dad !!!!

Author:  LePoLoo [ Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't see SRA CG since about a week !!??... Still running or down ? :cyclopsani:

Author:  Hermskii [ Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Up

I don't have it set to reboot after power failures. It is up again now.

Author:  Fluffy the Bunny [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I might even reload the game to play that. But only if I get to talk a lot. Winning / loosing all the same to me its the camaraderie that counts. Oh and chicks lots of chicks ;-)

Author:  bengalipunk [ Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  OF COURSE

Fluffy the Bunny wrote:
I might even reload the game to play that. But only if I get to talk a lot. Winning / loosing all the same to me its the camaraderie that counts. Oh and chicks lots of chicks ;-)

of course.... :albino: :P skankers :clown:

Author:  Taykia [ Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

did this ever happen? would be cool to go with the old gang again...been awhile!

Author:  Scify [ Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Taykia wrote:
did this ever happen? would be cool to go with the old gang again...been awhile!

Yes and it running on Curious George's SRA Fash-Back! IP Address :cheers:
And long time seen

Author:  Hermskii [ Sun Sep 30, 2007 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Yes but...

Yes, but I have already taken it back down. It had a few peeps in there every once in a while but not enough to justify me keeping me ruuning it. I need no justification for the equally quiet CG server. It will stay running until I retire from this.

Author:  Cygnus X-1 [ Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes but...

Hermskii wrote:
Yes, but I have already taken it back down. It had a few peeps in there every once in a while but not enough to justify me keeping me ruuning it. I need no justification for the equally quiet CG server. It will stay running until I retire from this.

I guess that explains why I couldn't find it yesterday. But I couldn't find CG's either. I did get my fix in on Meats and the Kids servers. Remember vaporizing some dude named Herpanator or something similar.


Author:  Hermskii [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep

Yep! My network was down yesterday. I didn't have time to troubleshoot it so I left it all off during the day. I turned it back on that night and everything came cack up. It's all better now. Good to see you Cygnus X-1. Later!

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