As you may recall, I've been watching the prices on video cards for some time, and there has started to be some downward movement.
That awesome
BFG 7800 GS AGP that
Jargonaut told us about a while back, has actually fallen in price by about $45, but is still way out of my price range at $349 Cdn. It will be a while longer that I will have to hold out if this is the card to buy.
Getting closer to the kind of price I want to pay is the
ATI Radeon X1600 Pro AGP that features 512 MB RAM v.s. the BFG's 256.
One wonders if double the video ram really makes that much difference.
I did see the ATI product on sale at Best Buy's sister stores for $199.00 Cdn recently, but I just couldn't swing it that month. The refurbished X800 XL's are on sale at ATI's clearance centre again, for only $139 Cdn, but I'm thinking I will hold out for the X1600 or the BFG 7800.
There is cetainly no rush on this, I've waited this long, I can wait a while longer for the prices to drop some more. But which card is better, or should I say, the better value?