Redeemer Insanity

hey everyone and help?
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Author:  billyjoebob [ Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  hey everyone and help?

Hi to all yall. Haven't been around in ages.
My old Computer crapped out and working a lot.
I got a new puter and want to know if unreal will work on XP service pack 2. I don't want to load it and mess up anything if it won't.

I got a Dell 9150, 2.8, 1 gig ram, 256 nvidia 6800, and a new modem in it. It lets me connect much faster but not like yall.

Is it okay to come back and play redeemer if I can load game?


Author:  Mahatma [ Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:37 am ]
Post subject: 

yo bjb!

how u been man?!

load it up and get on back in the arena! CG is still going strong.


Author:  Scify [ Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: hey everyone and help?

billyjoebob wrote:
Hi to all yall. Haven't been around in ages.
My old Computer crapped out and working a lot.
I got a new puter and want to know if unreal will work on XP service pack 2. I don't want to load it and mess up anything if it won't.

I got a Dell 9150, 2.8, 1 gig ram, 256 nvidia 6800, and a new modem in it. It lets me connect much faster but not like yall.

Is it okay to come back and play redeemer if I can load game?


Unreal or Unreal Tourament?

I have XP run and play UT 99.

Follew herm Hermskii's UT Player / Server Manual
Only thing don't change Intro City setting Music play UT after quite game'

Author:  Hermskii [ Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  All clear

You are good to go to install and run Unreal Tournament on Windows XP SP2. You don't need to go to my site for anything unless you need the 436 patch which is required to play UT on line at this time. If you don't have it and need it, just go to and look around for it. If Mahatma ever went to the forum there he/she/it would know that there has been a question there waiting for he/she/it to answer for about a month now. Hehehe

Author:  Scify [ Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

He may need to replace GL open or whatevery it called on my vid card give prolbem to replace that.

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