Redeemer Insanity

Fear the Moo
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Author:  a nameless entity [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Fear the Moo

Anybody know who this guy is? Is he a member of SRA?

Author:  Scify [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

nevr heard him or her

Author:  Hermskii [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep

I know the name and have seen him on. I haven't spoken to him. I would think it is Schwantz being he is always a Nali War Cow. I don't know if it is him or not though. I will try to scan his hard drive for porn next time I see him playing. If I find the folder that has the porn in it is larger than 126 gigs, then it is him. Between 126 gigs and 100 gigs, we know that's Skank. If it is just beneath 100 gigs and includes porn with french sub titles, it's Mahatma. Any less than 90 gigs and it couldn't be anyone from the SRA folks I've ever known.

Author:  a nameless entity [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I've been wondering if this guy is Schwantz or one of the other cow loving SRA members, just quietly coming into the game and killing some monsters for a spell. :mrgreen:

Author:  Hermskii [ Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Hmmm?

Maybe it really is Moohatma...

Author:  Mahatma [ Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:45 am ]
Post subject: 

lol good one herm. But let's not call it French porn -- I prefer "Freedom Porn."

It's not me. Again, I have never played under any other name -- except when I spelled my name backward to get around your ban, lol!

Log the ip and take note of the ping. I have my guess.

Author:  Hermskii [ Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Hey

If it isn't you Moohatma, then why haven't I seen you playing? Get in there some time!

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