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 Post subject: mmmmmmmm
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:11 pm 

Joined: Sun May 18, 2003 2:58 pm
Posts: 496
Location: UK (south east)
this may be an old article but it gives you a kick in the nuts everytime i read anything like it. :(


As some of you may have heard rumoured it is likely no new versions of UTPure will be released.

I heard the rumours as well and I read postings on the UT2003 admin mailing list, unlike some on the list I asked the man himself, TNSe, what was going on ... makes for some interesting reading ....

Firstly I asked TNSe why no more versions of Pure were being made.
The basics are someone has not truly hacked Pure but a function from within UT which Pure used to CRC check itself.
Now this has been hacked its near-impossible to make Pure secure .. as the man himself put it "I don't pick fights without the right tools"

So .. why can't a new version be made?
UT in its current form would require the anti-cheat to be more intensely coded, meaning more Client CPU and Bandwidth usage ... not a place TNSe wants to go.
He states the only way for Pure to continue is for Epic to release a patch ... which apparently is not going to happen.

It appears Epic are slowly pulling support from UT.
Look at NGStats, thats gone now.
What happened to the Epic funded Midnight Interactive? Gone .. moved to privately paid for hosting.
Mark Rein was recently asked about the master servers .. his repsonse was "as long as a decent amount of people play the game they will stay"
Now on the one hand you could think "great, we will still have master server support", on the other you could think that it means they are thinking of eventually pulling the support.

All this makes for very sad reading.
UT to some (including myself) is a game they want to continue playing and I imagined it having a cult following ala Quake II.

With support being slowly pulled it appears this may not be so!!!

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