Redeemer Insanity

ME vs. XP
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Author:  Hermskii [ Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  ME vs. XP

A while back someone had asked what was better or why was one better than the other or something. I came across this while just reading in SharkyExtreme forum tonight and thought this said it pretty well. The original question was which is better and why?


XP is better than Windows 9x/ME in almost every conceivable way. Here are just a few:

* Better security, built into the software and the NTFS file system.
* Better networking features.
* Better memory management, including the ability to better utilize larger amounts of memory. Windows XP, not being based on DOS like 9x/ME, also does away with the old DOS conventional/upper/EMS/XMS memory limitations.
* More stable. One example is how NT-based OS's (like XP) allocate separate memory space for each running program. That way, when one crashes, it won't affect other programs or the OS itself.
* 48-bit LBA support, so IDE/ATA hard drives larger than 137 GB can be used (requires Windows 2000 SP3 or Windows XP SP1).

So there you have it and this guy didn't even go into fast user swapping, built in remote control, built in winzip and have of all of the other totally cool things that you get with XP. Man, I love my XP!!!

Author:  DARKMATTER [ Fri Jan 23, 2004 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Mmmm as for everything else that maybe so but better security :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :?: :?: :?: how can that be said about xp all the hits it had in the last year and from what i hear the built in firewall was cracked well before it was even released for general use.

dark :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Author:  Hermskii [ Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Answer

Keep in mind that each version of windows has built in all of the fixes from the prior version. For every complaint that XP has, Win2000 had the same issue unless it was an issue about a feature the newer OS offered such as the firewall. At least they even offered a built in firewall which is another good point to XP. Yes, there have been many security breaches with XP but to date, all known issues have patches. Win98 like ME can't even be patched because new technology has been able to identify so many ways in that Microsoft won't even try anymore with 98 and XP. Better processes leaves holes open older technologies, thus, upgrades have to happen. None of us have ever been hacked using any of the security holes. It's always the big companies that this happens to.

If ME is what you have and are happy with it then keep it. In the big picture though, if my life depended on being protected by XP or ME, there is little doubt that everyone would take XP as their shield. That says it all right there. For every lock, there is a key.

Author:  {FAH}Q [ Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

:roll: interesting choice of title "ME vs. XP". Doesn't it feel that way most of the time for you guys. :twisted:

Author:  ThE OnE [ Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

it may be off topic but still to do with microsoft

is it true that the new XBOX2 is not going to be compatible with XBOX 1 games because they are changing the make of the chip and chipset?

Author:  Hermskii [ Fri Jan 23, 2004 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  LOL

I did that especially for you Q! I'm shocked it took over 4 post before I caught somebody.

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