Redeemer Insanity

Spell Checker
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Author:  Hermskii [ Sat Dec 13, 2003 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Spell Checker

Has anyone else here noticed that the spell checker does know about contractions? Words like Can't, Won't, Didn't, Shouldn't, Don't, I'd. Can this be fixed? Could we also get CG, NWRO, BIGI, added to the custom dictionary? I don't use it enough I'm sure but when I do, it always catches words that are right in addition to words that are wrong. This is the only feature of EZ board's forums that I liked more than this BBS board. Peace! Actually, I just ran it on this and the only two it stopped on that were contractions were I'm and I'd. Lets add them to the list of OK words if we can. Thanks!

Author:  n6nu [ Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell Checker

Hermskii wrote:
Has anyone else here noticed that the spell checker does know about contractions? Words like Can't, Won't, Didn't, Shouldn't, Don't, I'd. Can this be fixed?

Hmm, that is not desirable?

Hermskii wrote:
Could we also get CG, NWRO, BIGI, added to the custom dictionary?

Done. Just give me a list of words. There is a spellchecker menu in the Admin interface for this BBS.


Author:  n6nu [ Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spell Checker

N6NU wrote:
Hermskii wrote:
Has anyone else here noticed that the spell checker does know about contractions? Words like Can't, Won't, Didn't, Shouldn't, Don't, I'd. Can this be fixed?

Hmm, that is not desirable?

Hermskii wrote:
Could we also get CG, NWRO, BIGI, added to the custom dictionary?

Done. I added those words. Just give me a list of words. There is a spellchecker menu in the Admin interface for this BBS.


Author:  Hermskii [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Cool!

Thanks N6NU! I'm amazed nobody else eve mentioned it but yo knocked it out like that. Thanks again!

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