Redeemer Insanity

Fun, Accolades, Deep abiding fondness, and Thanksgiving
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Author:  billyjoebob [ Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Fun, Accolades, Deep abiding fondness, and Thanksgiving

CGRI is so much fun, I am glad that I found yall.
Thanks Hermskii for doing this, I know it takes a lot of time and creates a lot of headaches, I'm sure.
Thanks for the work on the forum Maximus and N6.
I really enjoy all the people on here and the servers.
I see lots of people get on the server and quit right away, I guess they just don't see the fun in it. You don't have to win to have fun.
I don't win very often but, it is still a blast to sneak up and telefrag someone. And it DOES take a lot of practice to get even close to doing good.
The FAH was hilarious!
I Like Monkeys was hilarious.
Everyone here has a great sense of humor.
I am through sucking up.
I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving and appreciates what we all have in this country and how we came to have it.
Dear Abbey, Billy Joe Bob, G Dubya, Rodney King

Author:  Riff-Raff [ Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

You've got it right BillyJoeBob... this is all about having fun!


Author:  a nameless entity [ Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I hope you guys are all having a nice Thanksgiving Day. :)

(But why is it held on a Thursday? :?: )

Author:  Hermskii [ Fri Nov 28, 2003 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  LOL

My part of all of this has been great fun for me. I appreciate the thanks but lets not forget to blame...........I mean "to thank" Schwantz for starting this whole big mess. Thanks Boss. I hope you are doing well. Thank you too BillyBob and I agree with eveything you said. Everyone has done great stuff here.

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