Redeemer Insanity

Well, it's finally happened...
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Author:  The Jargonaut [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Well, it's finally happened...

The end of an era may be going to occur in the next month for me. The Jargonaut, as you know him will no longer exist. I have had a great time playing on the redeemer servers for well over a year on my paltry connection, but after some thought, I have decided that I no longer have fun playing online using dial-up. Therefore, in the next month, I am going to discontinue my dial-up connection. :cry:

Why, you ask?

Because, in a week or so, I will have access to a CABLE CONNECTION!!!!!!

At least, that is what Adelphia is saying over the phone. Plus, they have installed new cable lines in my neighborhood. That is why I called them. So, as a Christmas gift to myself, I hope to be able to be online with a broadband connection within a month.

I hope that this time, it's the real thing.... Porn is so slow on 56k :D

Author:  Mahatma [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah!!!!

Once you get broadband, you will spend twice as much time online, even though your speeds are 50x faster, lol!! :lol:


Author:  |3iGi [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jarg with BB, that scares me.

Author:  Hermskii [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Damn it!

You BASTARD! You scared the crap out of me. I thought you were being serious in the first couple of lines. My heart shriveled at the thought of another good regular calling it quits. Damn it! Don't do that! To make up for it, I want you to get in touch with everyone who has played more than 1000 SRA matches and tell them to get their butts back here. The main one being Maximus! Do it now!

Author:  ntrecker [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

:( :( :( I will now longer win a game :( :( :(

:lol: :lol: I can play when there are only newbees on :P :P :lol:

Congrats Jarg i know you will like it HAVE FUN M8

Author:  {§ÎR}à [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Post subject: Well, it's finally happened...

AWWWWWWWW Poot!!! you gonna leave me all alone on 56K to join in the BB Crowd ??? :cry: .... :wink: ...Congrats !!!! you'll love it !!!but still , I feel like a stranded survivor of a shipwreck adrift in a sea of High-speed sharks :twisted: :twisted: !!!

<56K> Chef slowpoke :badgrin: !!

Author:  DARKMATTER [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

you BASTARD :shock: oops sorry i'm not hermskii :( :D your still a bastard for worrying us like that :? didn't want to loose another player either mind not sure about playing you on bb connection either :shock: how will i ever win against you now ohh well have fun i'm sure you will :lol: mahs right even tho the speeds faster for some reason you do spend more time online :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

welcome to the realspeed world
Dark :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Author:  TrufF|Dark Myst [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

congrats :) damn i h8 bein on dial up lol

Author:  clemmentine [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

don't forget being on dial-up makes you play harder.. me being on 56k, I can tell you that you'll miss being able to use the more frequent lags to your advantage.. ask Death Inc and maybe he'll remember the day lag became my friend.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

- clemmentine ( Tempest_Cloud_Arashi / Maiden_Arashi / ARWEN_EVENSTAR / [MoR]Eowyn / Trinity. )

pending names: AngelPriestessKayura, Rowen_Of_Strata

Author:  a nameless entity [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Boy, are you ever gonna blow yourself up a lot! :razz:

Well, the first day, anyway. :lol:

And Clem makes a very valid point. I'm so spoiled now that when my lag approaches a ping of 200, my game falls apart. And the 56k'ers kick my butt even harder! 8)

You'll also miss the music you probably listen to while you're downloading.
And the chance to go for a quick pee while something downloads. :wink:
Watching that progress bar zip across the dialogue box in no time is so cool. Enjoy! :D

Author:  Scify [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

You scared me to you leaving.......................................................
I don't trouble with of 200 ping When get to over 400 ping I have Trouble

Author:  blondehottie [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Damn it!

[quote="Hermskii"]You BASTARD! You scared the crap out of me. I thought you were being serious in the first couple of lines. My heart shriveled at the thought of another good regular calling it quits. Damn it! Don't do that!

what herm said

don't scare us like that

Author:  The Jargonaut [ Sat Nov 22, 2003 1:00 am ]
Post subject: 

LOL! I didn't mean to scare anyone. And I don't have my hopes up too high. I'll wait until they come to install before I get excited. It will be great to download the maps in time to play the games on CG and SHA. Plus, on SHA, I think my aim will be lots better. As it is now, I have to lead the players by about a second. Very difficult. Plus, on CG, I now know about how far away I can be from a blast and not get spammed. I guess it will be totally different now.
Time for a whole new game.

Author:  The Jargonaut [ Sat Nov 22, 2003 1:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Clem typed:
pending names: AngelPriestessKayura, Rowen_Of_Strata

If you go with Rowen, I've got to be Kento_of_Hardrock :wink:


I'd love to have those on DVD.

Author:  Hermskii [ Sat Nov 22, 2003 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  SHA

What is this SHA you mentioned?

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