Also, if I may ammend to Mah's response, Sometimes my shooting in the air is not for offensive reasons. It is to detonate the incoming nukes before they get to me.
The obvious thing to state here is that there are many different strategies that people employ. Some are strickly hide and guide, some are spray and pray. The BEST of the best know all of the tactics and more and can use them at will in any situation. THIS is the skill that you are refering to.
I would love for you to have played in the "Golden" years of redeemers. I can assure you that you would have found it most challenging. Most of the old regs do not play any more. Someone mentioned Torpid. You would have been AMAZED at how that dude moved. He was a sight to see.
So in essence, use whatever strategy that you like. On the smaller maps, your challenge is to root out the player with the prefered spot and take it without dying. Then you must defend it WHILE racking up the kills to win.
If you think that this does not take skill, then you are missing the whole point of this mod.
I hope that this helps you understand my line of thinking as well as many others.
OH! Speaking of skill.
I think it would be awesome if you actually watched Mahatma on some maps. If you do not think it takes skill to stay in the center of a map and defend that position while you are COMPLETELY exposed, wracking up MMMMMONSTER KILL after MMMMMONSTER KILL then you will never know the joy that is truely this mod.
Just my opinion.
You know what they say,
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one... Mine just smells nicer