recently decided it would be cooler to be an "Infidel," the "Great American Satan," etc etc, which paradoxically has also meant that he's more patriotic than everyone else.
For someone who professes to be an english Lit teacher you sure don't know shit about sarcasm. If the psychopaths of the world are going to run around calling me an infidel and a crusader then I may as well weaqr the title. By the way you reacted your probably a fundamentalist. Or a hippy liberal from Berkley, but whats the difference. Is that what this is really about? My signature? Cut me a break.
In the history of this nonsense (all of which you can read here in old posts and judge for yourself), Max forgot to take his meds and lashed out at several people, with me as his main target. The "post whore" thing is a part of all that.
What Nonsense? Your the one that started this nonsense just now. I think you need to take some downers bro. Or at least lay off the Starbucks.
Every so often, he sees a chance to be an asshole and takes it, hoping that, as perhaps with his wife and children, no one will call him on his bullshit. I stand up when guys like Vinnie start flinging crap across the room, but I am sorry to have done this in your thread.
Well Chuck, being we are on a first name basis now let's get one thing straight. You don't know my wife and kids so don't bring them up in the forum for any reason. Secondly, even if I was being an asshole, which I wasn't, who made you the hero of the forum. These people are all big boys and girls and have tougher skin than you, that's for sure. I'm sure they don't need some candy ass Liberal English Professor coming to their resuce.
By the way. Take note as to who was the first to call some one an asshole.
Asshole! :roll: