Last summer I went down to Ft. Eire on the bike, and while I was at the old fort there, a demonstration was put on for some guests. Only one man had a musket, which he only fired once. I was quite surpised by the sonic power of the blast, and the amount of smoke from one just one shot. Real battles must have been total sonic chaos, with a fog of smoke to deal with too. :shock: At old Ft. Louisbourg in '89 I was allowed to hold a musket briefly. Damn thing weighed a ton. No wonder all soldiers did most of the time was camp out and rest. Marching and lugging that kind of weight around, phew!
Two years ago I was unable to attend a recreation of the 1812-14 battles around old Ft. Eire. After reading you post I wish I could have been a spectator even more. If they hold one again, I'll try harder to attend. Thanks for sharing Max, will you be doing this kind of work, er, fun.... again? 8)
(Oh and roger that on the yellow jackets Trigon. When I was in my high school's cadet corps we went up to Camp Borden for some field exercises on a long weekend. Camped out on the ground in tents made of ponchos, and played soldier. On one training exercise my buddies and I found a good hiding place. We plopped down right beside a nest of yellow jackets in the ground. We weren't stung though. How did you fare? :!: :lol: )
_________________ I'm a man........but I can change........if I have to........I guess